Bright orgasm. Anchoring techniques and NLP techniques

Bright orgasm. Anchoring techniques and NLP techniques

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Read the new book by psychotherapist and gynecologist Peter Hope «Bright orgasm. Anchoring techniques and NLP techniques. The best guide for women». It will help in the treatment of anorgasmia. You will master the techniques and techniques of NLP and will be able to apply them independently. Thus, you will help yourself, dear women, to feel the fullness and beauty of orgasm. Enhance your sexuality and attractiveness in the eyes of men. The book is written specifically for women. And it will be a great gift for a couple looking for new pleasures.

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книги для чтения на английском языке, нейролингвистическое программирование (НЛП), руководство по сексу, Самиздат, сексуальные игры

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